11 July 2011

June 22 - Our Return Home

Waiting for plane to arrive in Port au Prince.

Oh so tired!

Passing the time at Miami airport waiting for plane.

Beautiful sunset from the plane.
 We packed up early and headed to the airport in Port au Prince.  We were all sad to leave but yet ready to return to our loved ones at home.  Everyone was very tired.  Once we hit the airport in Port au Prince and made it through security and customs in Haiti and found the waiting area, we all collapsed into our chairs.  Some of us even slept while we waited for the plane.  When we got to Miami, getting through all the security check points and customs was terrible!  We thought Haiti was bad but Miami, it took us two hours!  We found our gate area and we all hit Wendy's!  Hamburgers, fries, salads, frosties tasted good to all.  Our flights were uneventful and most of us slept on the plane.  When we arrived at Detroit Metro late in the evening, around 11:00 p.m., it was in the low 70's.  We were all freezing!  It was so funny!  We were so use to 100 degree temperatures!   Now we are home, processing all we experienced, trying to be faithful to share the many ways we saw God working, sharing about the many needs we saw, and searching God how we move forward in serving Him in all we do....whether in Michigan, or somewhere else He may lead. 

"Your overseas trip is over.  It was only a first step.  Remember how frightening is was to take that step of faith?  Consider the impact in your life.  You wouldn't have missed it.  The second step of your journey begins as you choose to obey, grow, and get to know God as a friend, a loving Father, and most importantly as LORD.  To grow significantly, you will need to exercise discipline.  It will take some effort on your part.  The choice is up to you.  Don't allow yourself to fall into old patterns and routines.  As you grow and mature, you will be able to understand God's will for you much more clearly.  The Word of God is the key to unlocking God's plan for your life.  Don't misplace your key - choose to read and meditate on scripture as you continue to spend quality time in His Word."  From the devotional Coming Home, written by Howard and Bonnie Lisech.

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8

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